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Wigan Warriors


Sue Gibbons proudly supports the licensing of Wigan Warriors, ensuring steadfast backing for our beloved local rugby team. Embracing fond memories, heartfelt laughter, and the vibrant spirit of the rainbow, our exquisite Wigan Warriors Collection celebrates life with passion for this remarkable team.

A Personalised Farewell

At Colourful Coffins each coffin is meticulously handcrafted from FSC certified timber, accompanied by rigorous quality control certification. This ensures meticulous monitoring accompanied by rigorous quality control certification. This ensures meticulous monitoring throughout development, guaranteeing unrivalled craftsmanship. Our skilled craftsmen meticulously assemble each coffin, from printed designs to intricate accessories, focusing on every detail. Our dedicated designers collaborate closely with you to personalide our designs or craft a completely bespoke and distinctive coffin.


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